University of Iowa's annual tribute to the accomplishments of all women at UI

This celebration first began when the university community gathered in 1982 to award the Jane Weiss Memorial Scholarship. The event has continued to expand in scope, recognizing outstanding scholarship, research, service, leadership and activism among undergraduate, graduate, staff, and faculty women at The University of Iowa. Next Celebration: Wednesday, April 2, 2025, 3:30-5:00pm.

Link to UI Event Calendar

Link to CEAAW Page

Jean Y. Jew Award

Honors a faculty, staff, or student member of the University community who has demonstrated outstanding effort or achievement in improving the status of women at the University. Click to learn more about this award co-presented by the Council on the Status of Women and the Womedn's Resource & Action Center! 
Jane Weiss Memorial Scholarship

Awarded to a University of Iowa Ph.D. candidate whose dissertation focuses on issues pertaining to women

Susan C. Buckley Distinguished Achievement Award for Staff

Awarded to a staff and faculty member who has distinguished herself and the University through her accomplishments or through a lifetime record of service and achievement.

Adah Johnson/Otilia Marie Fernandez Women's Studies Scholarship

Awarded to an undergraduate woman student of color who has taken courses in the GWSS Department or whose academic interests include some aspect of women’s culture or experience.

Kristin K. Lippke Memorial Scholarship

Awarded to two (2) GWSS majors on the basis of academic record and financial need.

Margaret P. Benson Memorial Scholarship

Recognizes qualified female applicants who demonstrate financial need and are committed to women’s issues, diversity, and social activism.

Stephen Lynn Smith Memorial Scholarship for Social Justice

Given to students demonstrating a commitment to the principles of social justice and progress.

Wynonna G. Hubbard Scholarship

Awarded to a Black female undergraduate student enrolled full time who demonstrates financial need and academic excellence

For more information on eligibility, past winners, and nomination processes, please click a button below.

All Celebration of Excellence Award Applications

Past Celebration of Excellence Award Winners

Past Jean Y. Jew Award Winners

A person smiling at an awards ceremony

Looking for more ways to give recognition? Click on a button below for more information on other award/scholarship programs at the University of Iowa.

UI Human Resources Campus Awards List

GWSS Department Awards